Extended Travel Seat Sliders 3/4" TILT FORWARD 2020-2024
Extended Travel Seat Sliders 3/4" TILT FORWARD 2020-2024
Extended Travel Seat Sliders 3/4" TILT FORWARD 2020-2024
Pro Steel Products

Extended Travel Seat Sliders 3/4" TILT FORWARD 2020-2024

Regular price $139.00 $0.00

This product Has all the options as our 3" setback seat sliders and MORE

Depending on the mounting bracket chosen you could gain up to 5 " extra travel rearward over stock travel. three options available below.

1 - Level mount

2 - 3/4" Tilt Back

3 - 3/4" Tilt Forward

Will travel about 1" farther forward for the shorter drivers.

Tilts seat 3/4" Forward

Quickly removes the seat from vehicle or to gain access to the rear of the seat area 

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choose 8mm or 10mm bolt size. 2020 models will be 8 mm. 2022 and newer will be 10mm.

2021 models may have either 8mm or 10mm (changed midyear)

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